Ph.D. Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis, University of Amsterdam: “Since the Germans came it rains less”. Landscape and Identity of Herero Communities in Namibia.


MA the University of Köln: Geschlechterspezifische Ressourcennutzung in Ovamboland: Kontraktarbeit und Subsistenz in African Studies und Geography.


Spring 2020

Lecturer MA programme at Hoogeschool van de Kunsten Utrecht

2017- 2020

Lise Meitner Fellow, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna (paused from 1.1. 2018- 31.10. 2018)


Research Fellow at the Humboldt University in Berlin, Institut für Kulturwissenschaften

Fall 2016

Visiting Fellow at Archive and Public Culture Research Initiative, University of Cape Town, South Africa

Summer 2016

Fellow at the Research Centre for Material Culture, Leiden, Netherlands


Lecturer, History Department, University of Basel, Switzerland

from 2015

Honorary Research Fellow, Archive and Public Culture Research Initiative, University of Cape Town

2011- 2015

Senior Research Fellow, Archive and Public Culture Research Initiative (APC), University of Cape Town, South Africa

2011- 2015

Senior Research Fellow, Archive and Public Culture Research Initiative (APC), University of Cape Town, South Africa

2010- 2011

Postdoctoral Fellow, Research Chair in Social Change (SARCHI), University of Fort Hare, East London, South Africa

2007- 2009

Postdoctoral Fellow, Centre For Humanities Research, University of the Western Cape, Bellville, South Africa

2001- 2005

Ph.D. candidate (promotie beursal), Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis (ASCA), University of Amsterdam, Netherlands


February 2020

“Listening to the Archive, Historical Sound Recordings as Echoes of Colonial History” Research Lab, Archive and Public Culture Research Initiative, University of Cape Town

October 2019

„Der Krieg und die Grammatik“ lecture at the opening of my exhibition with the same name, MARKK Museum, Hamburg

March 2019

„Die Zerissene Kette“ on invitation to the opening programme of “Wo ist Afrika?” at the Lindenmuseum Stuttgart

Oktober 2018

“Gesten des Zeigens, Praktiken des Erklärens. Zum neuen Weltmuseum Wien” Workshop Depot/Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien

August 2018

“Rudolf Pöch’s Kalahari recordings (1908). Echoes of the collector’s greed, of conflicts, and responses of Naro speaker” during the conference The Past, Present, and Future of Namibian Heritage, University of Namibia, Windhoek

June 2018

“Ins koloniale Archiv hören. Die Aufnahmen mit afrikanischen Kriegsgefangenen aus dem Berliner Lautarchiv” Ringvorlesung Bild/Schrift/Sound, Humboldt University, Berlin

June 2018

“Ins koloniale Archiv hören. Die Aufnahmen mit afrikanischen Kriegsgefangenen aus dem Berliner Lautarchiv” Ringvorlesung Bild/Schrift/Sound, Humboldt University, Berlin

February 2016

“Ins koloniale Archiv hören. Die Aufnahmen mit afrikanischen Kriegsgefangenen aus dem Berliner Lautarchiv” Ringvorlesung Bild/Schrift/Sound, Humboldt University, “Toward a Decolonial Reading of Audio-Visual Archival Material: The Meandering Traces of Mohamed Noor’s Presence in Germany“ with Bodhari Warsame, in the symposium Listening to the Archive, Max Planck Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Berlin

June 2015

“Recording Colonial Soldiers during World War I“ in the symposium Global Slavery and the Exhibitionary Impulse, Research Centre for Material Culture, Leiden

November 2014

“The Auscultation of Culture: Sound Recordings and Knowledge Production“ in the colloquium Sound, Vision, Action, McGill University, Montreal

October 2014

“Linguists and Prisoners of War: The Berlin Lautarchiv and the production of ‘Sprachbeispiele’ in Prison Camps in Germany between 1915-18” in the conference Colonial Linguistics: Knowledges and Epistemes, Centre for African Studies, University of Cape Town

July 2014

“Listening to Acoustic Archives“ in the workshop The Histories and Politics of Audio Archives. Trans-disciplinary Trajectories of Audio recording, Audio Archives and Hearing Cultures in South(ern) Africa Basler Afrika Bibliographien, Basel

June 2014

“Resonating Pasts: Sounding out Acoustic Archives” with Britta Lange, panel “Resonating Pasts”, 2nd International Conference of the European Association of Sound Studies, Mapping the Field, University of Copenhagen

February 2014

“100 Years Since the First World War (1914–1918): Voice Recordings of African Prisoners of War”, Public Lecture, IZIKO South African Museum, Cape Town

October 2013

“Acoustic Fragments from Colonial Archives“ Saxo Institute, Department of History, Ethnology, Greek and Latin, und Archaeology, University of Copenhagen

December 2012

“Verbale Riposte: Kritik, Mehrstimmigkeit und performative Darstellungen von Geschichte in Aufnahmen von Praise Poetry” Württembergischer Kunstverein, Stuttgart

June 2012

“Sound Recordings in Colonial Archives“, in the Workshop Listening to Colonial Archives, Humboldt University, Berlin


Exhibition: Der Krieg und die Grammatik MARKK Museum Hamburg, 2019/20

Sound/Text Installation: Foreign Subjects, Bergen Assembly (Norway) 2019

Sound/Text Installation: Omuhanga [The Necklace] Lindenmuseum Stuttgart, permanent exhibition, since April 2019

Short Film: Ein Otjihererosprecher kritisiert koloniale Gewalt und Wissensproduktion (1931) in the exhibition: Rassismus. Die Erfindung der Menschenrassen, curated by Susanne Wernsing. Deutsches Hygiene Museum (May 2018-January 2019).

Sound/Text Installation: Unerhörter Bericht über die deutschen Verbrechen in den kolonisierten Gebieten und über das fortwährende Wirken der Gewalt bis in die Gegenwart with Mattei Bellu/Andrea Bellu/Regina Sarreiter In: Acts of Voicing Württembergischer Kunstverein, Stuttgart, 2012/ 2013 In: His Master’s Voice: On Voice and Language, HartWare Kunstverein Dortmund 2013 La Panacée, Montpellier 2015

Exhibition What We See. Images, Voices, and Versioning / Was Wir Sehen. Bilder, Stimmen, Repräsentation IZIKO Slave Lodge Museum, Cape Town, 2009 Basler Afrika Bibliographien, Basel, 2009 Museum für Völkerkunde, Wien, 2011 Felix Nussbaum Museum, Osnabrück, 2012 Pergamon-Palais of the Humboldt University, Berlin, 2012 Franco-Namibian Cultural Centre in Windhoek, Namibia, 2013


Kolonialgeschichte hören. Das Echo gewaltsamer Wissensproduktion in historischen Tondokumenten aus dem südlichen Afrika. Wien: Mandelbaum Verlag, 2020.

With Britta Lange and Regina Sarreiter Was Wir Sehen. Bilder, Stimmen, Rauschen. Zur Kritik anthropometrischen Sammelns. Basel: Basler Afrika Bibliographien. 2012.

With Margit Berner and Britta Lange Sensible Sammlungen. Aus dem anthropologischen Depot. Fundus Verlag, Ilinx Reihe. Hamburg: Philo Fine Arts. 2011.

With Esther Peeren Representation Matters. (Re)Articulating Collective Identities in a Postcolonial World. Serie: Thamyris. Intersecting Place, Sex and “Race”. Leiden: Rodopi, Vol. 20, 2010.

(Ed.) What We See: Reconsidering an Anthropometrical Collection: Images, Voices and Versioning. Basel: Basler Afrika Bibliographien. 2009.

PUBLICATIONS/Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals

“Listening to Sound Archives” Introduction to Edited Section” Social Dynamics Vol. 41, Issue 1, Special Segment on Sound Archives, edited by Anette Hoffmann, 2015.

“Hearing Voices in the Archive” with Phindezwa Mnyaka, Social Dynamics Vol. 41, Issue 1, Special Segment on Sound Archives, edited by Anette Hoffmann, 2015

“Echoes of the Great War: the Recordings of African Prisoners of WWI” Open Arts Journal Issue 3, 2014.

“The Merits and Predicaments of Opacity: Poetic Strategies of Evasion and Resistance” Research in African Literatures, Vol. 38, Issue 3, Fall 2007.


“War and Grammar. Acoustic Recordings with African Prisoners of the First World War (1915- 1918)” A. Deumert, N. Sheperd & A. Storch (eds.) Colonial Linguistics. Oxford University Press, in print, 2020.

“Wachswalze mit akustischen Aufnahmen, Sammlung Hans Lichtenecker, Phonogrammarchiv Berlin” I. Edenheiser & L. Förster (eds.) Einführung in die Museumsethnologie. Reimer Verlag, 2019.

“Kolonialität” D. Morat & H. Ziemer (eds.) Metzler Handbuch Sound. Geschichte – Begriffe – Ansätze. Metzler Verlag. 2018.

“Verbale Riposte: Wilfred Tjiuezas Performances von omitandu als Entgegnungen zum Rassenmodell Hans Lichteneckers” Iris Dressler/Hans D. Christ (eds.) Acts of Voicing: On the Poetics and Politics of Voice. Stuttgart: Hatje Cantz. 2015.

“Of Storying and Storing: ‘Reading’ Lichtenecker’s Voice Recordings” Jeremy Silvester (ed.) Reviewing Resistance in Namibian History. Windhoek: University of Namibia Press. 2015.

Sensible Sammlungen” mit Margit Berner/Britta Lange, ARGE Schittpunkt (ed.) Handbuch Ausstellungstheorie und –praxis. Wien, Köln, Weimar: Böhlau Verlag. 2013.

“Chronotopes of the (Post-) Colonial Condition in Otjiherero Praise Poetry“ J.K.S. Makokha/ J.K.S., Obiero Ogone /Ochieng Orwenjo (eds.) Patterns of Style in Contemporary African Literature and Orature: Emerging Perspectives. Leiden: Rodopi. 2012.

“Comparing to Make Explicit: Diasporic Articulations of the Herero in Namibia.” Marie-Aude Baronian/Stephan Besser/Yolande Jansen (eds.) Diaspora and Memory. Figures of Displacement in Contemporary Literature, Arts and Politics. Series: Thamyris. Intersecting Place, Sex and “Race”. Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi, 2006.

Photo: Niklas Zimmer (2013)